Tooth Coloured and Amalgam Fillings

Which Filling Is Best For Me?

All modern dental materials are safe. We are always happy to discuss any concerns you have about using one different kind of filling material instead of another.  There are so many different materials available, which look and feel natural and most importantly are biocompatible with the body, that you always have a choice.

Should I Replace My Amalgam Fillings?

You should replace an amalgam if there is a problem with the filling such as:

  • Leaking filling
  • Decay around an old filling
  • Aesthetics
  • Cracking Tooth

One of the most common reasons is that people just don’t like the appearance of the metal in their mouths. Very rarely amalgam fillings can produce an immune reaction in the surrounding gum, which we will discuss with you if it ever occurs.

If you have any specific concerns, or are experiencing tooth pain of any kind please let us know, irrespective of whether you are coming to see us for a general check up or because you have a dental emergency.